When you have several people accessing your Cleantie account, it's a good idea to have separate accounts for each person. With Employee accounts, you can set Employee account permissions and let other people access yours without giving them access to sensitive information. Having individual staff accounts can also help you to keep track of recent changes and events on your store's timeline.
The number of staff accounts available is determined by your subscription plan.
To add a new staff member, from the Admin menu, click on Employees, then click on Create Employee. You will be asked to enter basic information such as your name and email address. Once finished, click "Add" at the bottom of the form. An activation email is sent to the employee's email address. The employee must activate the account in order to be able to log in.
To update an employee account, click on Employees, then click on the employee you would like to update. Make changes, then select Update. The Activation email can be resent by selecting the Resend Activation Email option. If this employee is a driver, select the Driver option. This option is only available to customers with an enterprise subscription. A text message is sent to the employee's mobile number with the link to download the driver app. The driver's app is only available to those employees who have received an invitation.
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