How to search customer list?
When using checkin, checkout, invoice utilities etc functions use the following method to search for existing customers or to add a new customer. You may begin by typing the customer name (lastname or firstname), customer #, phone number, company name or keytag # in the customer search section. To use a specific search option click on the desired field (e.g. Phone#).
When using the phone field, the default area code would be entered by the system. The names on the customer list would start to narrow down until your customer is visible. Highlight the customer and press the OK button. If the customer does not exist, “Customer Not Found” message appears on the screen. Press Yes to create the new customer. Inactive customers will not be displayed. To locate such customers use the search option to locate the customer. You may wild char (*) to locate the customer that starts with any char. For example if you are using only last 4 digit of customer’s phone#, type *4786 would locate all customers that their phone# ends with 4786.
How to make an Invoice?
To make invoice, select the Checkin option from the main menu and select the customer from the list. To create an invoice, first choose the Service (e.g. dryclean, alteration, laundry etc.) then choose the Department (shirts, pants, dress etc.), and finally, click on the item from the items list. The Details window appears, which allows you to specify details such as type, color, pattern, fabric and miscellaneous. If you have multiple same items, select the add item option. If you are doing the same item with multiple services, select the same item option. If you don’t require the details option menu to be popped-up for the remaining of the current invoice, press the don’t show option.
After filling in the details of the item, press OK and your item would be listed on the invoice. If the Upcharge option is enabled, the upcharge screen will be displayed. Select the appropriate upcharge item, if the upcharge option is not enabled, you may press the Upcharge button to activate the upcharge menu. Continue to enter items until the order is complete. When finished, press the Done button, which would bring up a Due Date Selection screen. A default due date would be shown on the calendar circled in red. Click on the date & time that the order would be ready. If the pre-pay option is enabled, you will be prompted to select the tender-type. If customer is not pre-paying the charges, select the charge option.
For additional information, read the Checkin Function
How to make a quick Invoice?
To make a quick ticket, go to Checkin and select the customer from the list. Once you are in the checkin screen, press the Quick Checkin icon at the bottom. Select the Service, enter the number of items and say OK. Repeat the same process for any other services. Press Done when finished entering all of the items. To detail a quick ticket see the Invoice Utilities section for additional information. You may use the memo option to make notes on the invoice.
For additional information, read the Checkin Function
How to make pre-printed quick ticket?
To make a pre-printed quick ticket, go to Misc. from the main menu and click the Print tab on the top. Enter the number of invoices to be printed and press the Print button. Pre-printed tickets are an ideal way of serving customers when there is no access to the system (i.e. Drive Through, Pickup/Delivery transactions). To detail a pre-printed ticket see the Invoice Utilities section for additional information.
How to checkout orders during checkin process?
After the checkin process is done, you will be prompted to checkout customers’ orders if the customer has any items in stock. Or to access the checkout screen during the checkin process, press the Misc button at the bottom of the Checkin screen and then press the Checkout button. This would enable you to checkout the items without leaving the checkin screen.
How to put an order on hold?
To put an order on hold from the Checkin screen, press the More/Misc button at the bottom and then press the Hold button. This would enable you to make a new invoice while still entering another one. When the second invoice is completed, the original one will pop back up so you can finish entering it. The Holding option is very useful when multiple customers are being served simultaneously.
How to do redo/reclean?
To do a redo/reclean from the Checkin Screen, highlight the item, then press the Redo button. Select the proper description option from the menu or type-in your own description as to why redo is being done and press OK. Price of Redo items are set to 0.00.
How to make a memo/special request?
To make a memo or special note on an order, press the Memo button at the bottom of the Checkin/invoice update screen. You may type-in your special request or select from pre-typed options.
To add your own pre-defined memo, see the Management section. To make changes to the memo, highlight the memo on the invoice, and press the memo button. To add multiple memos to the same item, select the item from the invoice screen, and then press the memo button. If the memo does not fit on the same line, it will wrap to the next line. You may add a memo/special request to the customer profile that will always get printed on their invoice. To do this, go to customer profile and select the Special Request option.
How to add a starch/folded option?
To add a starch or folded option to an order, press the Starch/Folded button during the checkin process, when the detail screen pops up. You may add a starch/folded preference to the customer profile that will always be highlighted on the checkin screen. To do this, go to the customer profile and select the Special Request option. Items with customer’s preferences are highlighted in red during the checkin process (i.e. Shirt Folded is highlighted for customers that have folded a option)
How to issue discount/coupon to a customer?
After you have completed entering all the garment information, if there is a Coupon/Discount to be applied, select the Discount button from the bottom of the Checkin Screen and make a selection from the display menu(s). For example, to apply a Senior discount, select coupon, then select Senior Citizen discount and press the OK button. If you would like to apply the discount to every item on the invoice, select the apply to all items option. If a Coupon is expired, it will not be shown on the list. For additional information on how to add your own coupon, see the Management section. If you would like to assign a discount to a customer, go to the customer profile and enter the desire discount%.
How to select a different price list at checkin time?
To select a different price list at checkin time, press F4 or select the More icon and then the Schedule button at the bottom of the Checkin Screen and choose a different price list from the Select Schedule screen. The default price list is selected from the customer's default price list. The customer’s default price list is selected from store’s default price list. To change the customer’s default price list, go to the customer profile. To change store’s default price list, go to Management, select system, and then Schedules. Set Residential Customer Default schedule.
How to apply a pre-pay/deposit to an order?
To apply a pre-pay/deposit to an order during the checkin/invoice update process, press the Pre-Pay button at the bottom. Enter the amount of the prepayment and press OK to apply. Press OK again to return to the main screen. Please note that a pre-pay discount may be applied if this option is enabled. If pre-pay option is enabled, Pre-Pay option will pop-up auto during checkin process. To enable/disable this option see the Management function and Schedule option for additional info.
How to change qty on an order?
To change the quantity on an order from the Checkin Screen, you can either touch the same item again, or press the QTY button and input the quantity number. You may also select the add item option from detail screen. If the same item is used for multiple services (i.e. dryclean and alteration) press the same item option from detail screen, or change the qty to 0 for the second service. This is important to avoid calculating an extra item. To enable/disable printing tag for 0 qty items see Schedules under Management.
How to change the price of an item?
To change the price on an item from the Checkin Screen, select the item, press the Price button, and enter the proper price. Please note, price can’t be lower than the initial price if price undercharge is disabled. To enable/disable this option see Schedules under Management.
How to mark colors/fabrics on ticket?
To mark colors/fabrics, Starch/Folded , etc on a ticket click the Details button at the bottom to specify type, color, pattern, fabric and misc. for the item. If detail option is enabled, detail menu pops-up auto. To enable/disable this option see Schedules under Management.
How to delete/update an item from a ticket during checkin?
To delete/update an item from a ticket during checkin, touch the garment detail item you want to delete (which will then be highlighted on the invoice), then press the Delete button. You will then be put back where you left off, to proceed with the checkin process.
How to clear the entire ticket during checkin?
To clear the entire ticket during checkin, press the More/Misc button and select the Clear option which would clear-up all the entries in the current invoice.
How to assign due date/time to a ticket?
To assign a due date/time to a ticket, during the checkin process, press the Done button. A Due Date Selection screen will appear where you can select the date and time that the item would be ready for pickup. Please note the system uses the maximum number of hours for the items to calculate the due date. You may disable/enable due date pop-up screen during checkin process and allow system to auto assign the due date (this is a usefull option for setting up wholesale invoices that are due same day. To enable/disable this option go to Management and click on System. Select Schedule and highlight the desire price schedule. Enable/disbale due-date option. Please note the system uses the store default pickup time as the default if pickup time is not selected. To change the stores default pickup time, go to Management and click on System. Select Store Hours.
How to setup auto checkout?
Some users may wish not to keep track of inventory items. That is they would like to make invoice for their wholesaler, or hotel customers and bypass the checkout process. You may setup the system to auto checkout orders as they are entered into the system. To enable/disable this option go to Management and click on System. Select Schedule and highlight the desire price schedule. In the Misc. Options enable/disable Force Invoice Checked Out at Checkin option.
How to mix multiple services for the same item?
To mix multiple services for the same item, during checkin process, select details option and press the Same Item button for the 2nd service type. The system will change the qty to 0 for this service. Or you may change the qty to 0 by using the qty button.
How to make a new ticket for the same customer?
To make a new ticket for the same customer during checkin, press the New button. Selecting the New button, will save the current invoice and start a new invoice. This is useful if you would like to break up the invoice for large orders or if you would like to select different due dates for the different invoices.
How to separate dryclean & laundry tickets automatically?
If you are sorting/packaging your dryclean & laundry items, you make want the system to automatically separate drycleaning and laundry tickets. The customer would receive one invoice with every thing and store would get a separate ticket one for dryclean & one for laundry items. To enable/disable this option go to Management and click on System. Open the Schedules menu and highlight the price schedule. Enable/disable Separate Laundry Invoices option. If you don’t require tags for laundry items, disable No Laundry Tags option.
How to setup a restriction on the maximum number of items per ticket?
TMS has a very unique option called Order Feature that allows the users to break invoices into orders for packaging purpose. Once this features is enabled, the system would break large invoices into orders that are set with maximum number of items per ticket. Once this features is active, the system would break orders that exceed the max number into a different orders and uses the same invoice#, which are padded with 01 to 99. For example if max item is set to 10 and you entered 15 pieces, for invoice 2345, you would get two orders one with order# 2345/01 and one with order# 2345/02. The customer receives one invoice for 15 pieces. The same process applies to the tags. The system uses the order# as the barcode on the store’s ticket. You may either invoice# or order# to lookup invoices. To set up a restriction on the maximum number of items per ticket , go to Management and click on System. Select the Schedule. Set Max Items On Invoice option. If you like to enable Order feature based on the max number then enable Order Tracking feature. If order feature is not enabled, and you enter the max number in the invoice, you will not be able to add any other items to the ticket. You then have to use the New button to break the order manually.
How to setup Order Tracking Feature?
TMS has a very unique option called Order Feature that allows the users to break invoices into orders for packaging purpose. Once this features is enabled, the system would break large invoices into orders that are set with maximum number of items per ticket. Once this features is active, the system would break orders that exceed the max number into a different orders and uses the same invoice#, which are padded with 01 to 99. For example if max item is set to 10 and you entered 15 pieces, for invoice 2345, you would get two orders one with order# 2345/01 and one with order# 2345/02. The customer receives one invoice for 15 pieces. The same process applies to the tags. The system uses the order# as the barcode on the store’s ticket. You may either invoice# or order# to lookup invoices. To set up a restriction on the maximum number of items per ticket , go to Management and click on System. Select the Schedule. Set Max Items On Invoice option. If you like to enable Order feature based on the max number then enable Order Tracking feature. If order feature is not enabled, and you enter the max number in the invoice, you will not be able to add any other items to the ticket. You then have to use the New button to break the order manually.
How to make a 2 for 1 invoice?
To make a 2 for 1 invoice, there are two areas to enable the setting.
First, go to Management, click on System and highlight Schedules. Select the pricelist that you want the setting to apply to. In Misc. Options at the bottom, put a checkmark in the Enable 2 for 1 Feature checkbox. Press the Save button.
Second, under Management – System – highlight Services. Choose the service that you want to apply the setting to, scroll to the right and put a checkmark in the 2 for 1 column checkbox for that service. Press the Save Change button to apply.
At checkin, if you choose 2 for quantity for an item under these settings, the price displayed would be for one item.
How to change commission at checkin?
There are two types of commission that can be used in the system. One is for sales reps and the other is for customers. To change a sales person’s commission during the checkin process, click on the More button, then press the Sales button. Choose the Rep and alter the commission percentage. Click OK to apply.
You may also assign commission to the customer profile. This is mainly used for stores that are servicing hotels and paying commission to the hotel for guest orders. This customer-based commission is shown on the statement and is deducted from the balance. The regular price before commission is shown on the invoice. You may also assign a sales person to the customer profile. To do this select the notes tab (on the top) from the customer profile and assign the sales person.
How to recall the last customer?
To recall the last customer, press the Recall Last Customer button from the customer lookup screen.
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