Please check Price List Processing for additional information.
How to update Price Schedule?
Schedule is the top level of the price hierarchy that controls the behavior of your system in many ways. To update an existing Schedule, go to Management and click on System. Select Schedules from the drop down. Highlight the pricelist that you want to update and fill in the appropriate information. Click Save to apply the settings.
To make changes to your existing price list, select the Prices option, select the appropriate schedule, select the desired service, and select the desired department. Go to the Price field and make the changes. Make sure to save changes.
Payment Options
- Pre-Pay Option - To enable pre-pay option menu to popup at the end of the checkin screen
- Pre-Pay Discount (%) - Use this field to add a pre-pay discount to transactions that are pre-paid.
- Enable Partial Pre-Pay Option - Enable this option if you allow partial pre-pay. The partial pre-pay option can also be used as a deposit on certain items that require a deposit. E.g. Leather garments, certain alterations etc.
- Enable Partial Payment At Checkout - Enable this option if you would like to be able to accept partial payment at checkout
- Enable Upcharge - Select this option if you would like the upcharge menu to pop up at checkin after an item is selected. If this option is disabled, you may have to select the upcharge option by pressing the upcharge button at the checkin screen.
- Same Day Upcharge - Assign a dollar ($) value to this option if you would like to upcharge same day service automatically.
- Enable Price Adjustment - Enable this option if you would like your staff to be able to adjust the price on an item in a transaction.
- Enable Price Undercharge - Enable this option if you would like to enable your staff to undercharge the default price of an item.
Invoice Options
- Print Invoice At Checkin - Enable this option if you would like the invoice to be printed automatically after checkin.
- Number of Invoices To Be Printed - Enter the default number of invoices to be printed at the checkin screen. The standard default is two copies - one for the customer and one for the store.
- Print Receipt At Checkout - Enable this option if you would like the payment receipt to be printed automatically at checkout.
- Disable Printing Price On Invoice - Select this option if you don't want the price to be printed on the customer's copy of the invoice.
- Separate Invoices By Services - Option would be available in the future.
- Separate Laundry Invoices - Select this option if you would like the system to automatically separate the laundry invoice and tags on transactions with mixed dryclean/laundry services. The customer will receive one invoice with both dryclean and laundry but the store would receive two invoices - one for drycleaning and one for laundry.
- Disable Printing Due Date On Invoice - Select this option if you do not want the due date to be printed on the invoice.
- Print Customer Address On Store Copy - Select this option if you would like the customer address to be printed on the store copy. This is mainly used for the delivery schedules.
- Record Who Check Out - Enable this option if you would like to record the person's name who will pick up the garment without a receipt.
- Print Invoice At Check Out - Enable this option if you would like to be prompted to be able to print invoices at the checkout.
- Print Invoice # Bar Code On Store Copy - Select this option if you would like to print the invoice number bar code on the store copy.
- Print Customer # Bar Code On Store Copy - Select this option if you would like to print the customer number bar code on the store copy.
- Print Invoice # Bar Code On Customer Copy - Select this option if you would like to print the invoice number bar code on the customer copy.
- Print Customer # Bar Code On Customer Copy - Select this option if you would like to print the customer number bar code on the customer copy. Selecting this option would allow you to checkout all processed i.e. "in/ready" invoices for a customer by scanning his customer ID barcode.
Tag Options
- Print Tag At Checkin - Enable this option if you would like the tag to be printed automatically at checkin.
- Print Due-Date-1 On Tag - Select this option if you would like to rush your production staff to process garments a day before the due date or promised date.
- Print Service Initial On Tag - Inactive - Option would be available in the future.
- Print Price On Tag - Enable this option if you would like the price of the item to be printed on the tag. This option is useful if you would like to control your drop store's pricing by just viewing the tag.
- Print Due-Time On Tag - Enable this option if you would like the promised ready time to be printed on the tag. If you provide 1-hour service, this option would be useful at the production process.
- Print Detail On Tag - Enable this option in order to print the details of the item on the tag.
- Print Extra Tag - Select this option if you would like to get an extra tag printed. Extra tag is useful if you have multiple stores. Attaching the extra tag to the invoice would simplify the sorting process.
- Tag Prefix - If you have multiple stores, you may assign a different prefix to different stores and enable this option to print the extra identification character on the tag. This would simplify your sorting process.
- Print Laundry Tag - Disable this option if you don't want the laundry tag to be printed.
- Print Zero Quantity Tag - Enable this option if you would like the tag to be printed for multi-service items, which has zero quantity on the second service. E.g. dryclean pants, which needs to be hemmed. The system would print two tags for this service.
- Disable Due Date On Tag - Enabling this option would print different formats of the standard tag, i.e. it would duplicate the same information that is on the left hand side to the right hand side with no due date.
Misc Options
- Due Date Option At Checkin - Select this option if you would like the due date calendar to pop up automatically at the end of the checkin transaction.
- Enable Detail Option - Enable this option if you would like to keep track of the colours, patterns and fabrics of the selected item. If this option is not enabled, you may select this option at the checkin screen by pressing the detail option button.
- Enable Delivery Option - Enable this option if you would like to provide pickup/delivery service with this price schedule. Enabling this option would allow you to setup "run/stop" for your delivery customers.
- Force Invoice Checked Out at Checkin - Enable this option if you would like to bypass the checkout process for your wholesale accounts. Enabling this option would make the system checkout the garments automatically at the checkin time.
- Business Customers Default Schedule - Inactive - Option would be available in the future.
- Residential Customers Default Schedule - Inactive - Option would be available in the future.
How to add/copy a new price list?
To add/copy a new price list, go to Management and click on System. Select Schedules from the drop down. To add a new price list, highlight the Add New Schedule option and fill in the appropriate information for the price list. To copy a new price list, highlight the copy From Schedule option and select the schedule that you would like to copy the items/prices from. Fill in the appropriate information. Click Save to apply the settings.
How to add/update services?
Services are used to group departments and they are displayed at the top level of your price schedule at the checkin screen. There is no limit on the number of services that can be created. The service defines the top level of the price schedule that applies to certain departments and items.
Below is a summary of the options that can be used with the service.
- Service - Enter Service name
- Active - Checkmark this box if this is an active service
- Merchandise Type - Checkmark this box if this service is being used as a merchandize service
- Hours - The default hours for the due date/time to be used for the selected service.
- Permanent Tag - Checkmark this box if you would like the permanent tag option to be enabled for this service.
- Enable 2 For 1 - Enable this option if you would like the items to be priced as 2 for 1.
- Abbreviation - Enter the abbreviation of the service that is printed on the invoice
- Priority - Set the priority of the service to show up on the service screen.
- Capacity - Assign the capacity for your production for the service. This capacity is used at the due date on the checkin screen to alert the user if they are exceeding the specified capacity. This reduces overproduction for a selected service.
- Icon - Icon to be displayed for the selected service.
- Tax1 – To enable/disable tax1 on the selected service.
- Tax2 – To enable/disable tax2 on the selected service
- Tax3 – To enable/disable tax3 on the selected service
How to add/update departments?
Department is designed to group items under the same category (i.e. Pants). To update an existing department, go to Management and click on System. Select Departments/Items then press Update Departments. Select the desired department and make the changes. If you would like to add a new department, press New Department. Enter the department description, priority, icon file and press Save to add the new department.
Click Save to apply the settings.
How to add/update items?
Items are the lowest level of our price hierarchy and are grouped under departments.
For example Shirt Laundry Folded is under department Shirts, which is under service Laundry. Item defines the price for the service. To make changes to an item, go to Management and click on System. Select Schedules from the drop down, select Departments/Items. Select the desired department that item is grouped under. Select Update Items to make changes, or Add Items to add new items. When adding new item enter an item description, and enable other options and press Add Item. Then go to the next section, and add the price for new item, and make sure to choose the proper service from the drop down menu (i.e. dryclean). Once done, press Add Price to finalize the new item. If you would like to make changes to the description of existing items, select Update Items, select the desired item from the list and make changes to description or price. If you would like to delete the item, checkmark the active field. Inactive items do not show up in the price menu in the checkin screen. You may use the following options to change the item settings:
- Priority – To change the priority of the item in the menu screen. 1 is the highest priority.
- Unit Option – To enable unit option to pop up. This is useful for items such as pleats or per sq items etc.
- Prompt Detail – To enable detail/color option to popup for this item.
- Prompt Price –To enable prompt for price option when the option is selected.
- Pcs Of Items --Defines the number of pieces for the item (e.g. set this to 2 for a 2pc suit)
- PLU/SKU – Defines a unique PLU/SKU for the selected item.
- Perm Tag –Permanent tag option defines if this item requires permanent tag.
- Tracking Tag –Defines if this item is a Garment Tracking tag item.
- Stock –Defines if this item is a stock item.
- Stock Num – Defined total number of items in stock.
How to assign a default price list to a customer?
To assign a default price list to a customer, go to Checkin and select the customer from the list. Press the View/Update Customer button and on the right, select the price schedule from the dropdown. Press the OK button to save this setting.
How to select a different price list at checkin time?
To select a different price list at checkin time, go to Checkin, select the customer and press OK. When the checkin screen appears, press F4 or select More button at the bottom. Press the Schedule button and a Select Schedule window appears. Select the price list that you want to apply and say OK. To return to the previous menu, press the Main button.
How to setup upcharges?
Upcharge menu is designed to allow users to charge extra on certain items. You may setup your own upcharge menu that could pop-up for certain items. To do this go to Management and click on System. Select upcharges. There could be certain system default upchagres that can be changed or added. To enable/disable the upcharge menu, this go to Management and click on System. Select Schedules, and select the desire price schedule, and enable/disable upcharge option. You may also disable this option for certain items. For example, you may want to disable upcharge option for house hold items. To do this please review Items/departments section.
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