A well-designed and properly set up price list menu improves the POS efficiency dramatically, reduces staff training time, maximizes productivity, and your bottom line.
TMS price list consists of the following categories: Schedules -> Services -> Departments -> Items.
TMS database is built with pre-configured price list template during the initial account setup process by CSI. For example, Dry Cleaning price list template is completely different from the Laundromat or Alteration price list.
To get started with TMS, you may create new price list using TMS customized Excel file templates from the links below that is applicable to your operation. Make changes as you wish, feel free to add, update or remove any items and adjust prices.
TMS price list import function is a very powerful tool that simplifies the process. CSI uses your customized excel price list template to create your price list.
The following explains the heading of each field in Excel file:
Schedule is the top level of our price list hierarchy. Use the schedule to control different price list, e.g Delivery Price List. To make a different price list, just create a new excel file with different schedule name.
Service field is used to group the departments
Department field is used to group the items, for example, Dry Clean Pants
Item field is used to describe the work
Desc field is used to provide additional information on item, for example in different language, like Spanish
Price field is the price of the item, Default value is $0.00
Pieces filed is used to show total pieces of the item, e.g enter 2 for Suit 2 PC, Default value is 1
PLU filed is used for merchandise items e.g Laundry Bag, Lint Roller, Softener etc. Scanning PLU number during the check in process makes it easier to lookup items and track inventory.
Hours used to describe the hours for the service, e.g 48 hours means 2 days service, default value is 48
Unit, enter 1 for this option if you like to be prompted for unit , E.g for Wash & Fold Per Pound. The price of the item is based on Price x unit. Default value id 0
Priority, sets the priority of the service, dept, or item when shown in the price list. 1 is the heights priority and shown 1st.
Colors, Upcharge, Tax1, Tax2, Tax3, Icon fields are for internal use only, and can be ignored.
You may use Microsoft Excel or Free Google Spreadsheet to open the price list template file. After changes are done, Email the excel file to CSI support team to make your customized price list.
Please note the price list template can only be used during the initial setup process. If you have to make changes to your existing price list, please see TMS Price List Process.
- Dry Cleaning Price List Template
- Laundromat Price List Template
- Alteration Price List Template
- Shoe Repair Price List Template
- Uniform Rental Price List Template
- Hotel Price List Template
- CRDN Price List Template
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